Friday, June 7, 2013


Hey howdy hey everyone.
I have been so busy trying to edit manuscripts and prepare for my trip to the UK that I haven't the chance to sit an write anything spectacular on my blog. Once I return from said trip then I will update you on all that I experienced. There are a few things I would like to blog about when I return, one of which I would like to share some tips about internet safety.
I know, internet safety is boring, but I've learned so much about the subject from my husband that I feel the need to share. For those who don't know, my husband works in Security Information Technology. He teaches classes on how stay safe while enjoying what the internet has to offer.

Anyway, until I can write more I'll leave you with a thought I came up with and shared on Facebook.

Women, if we belittle our bodies by our actions and words, how can we expect our little girls to behave differently? How can we expect our sons to treat women with respect? Please be careful what you say and how you act. We want our children to grow up loving who they are.

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